
F.A.M & Others, Inc.


Most people need good education to be a contributing and functioning member of the society.

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Social Services

We are devoted to helping vulnerable people and communities work through challenges they face in everyday life. We practice in a wide variety of settings, united in their commitment to advocating for and improving the lives of individuals, families.

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At F.A.M & OTHERS Inc. our mission is to promote social well-being to misfortune, promote education and share the rich Haitian cultural perspectives to those wishing to help the country rebuilt despite political, social and economic instabilities.

We need people like you to sustain to meet our goal regardless or your social background or ethnicity. F.A.M & OTHERS Inc. has no paid staff, so we survive by the kindness and generosity of the members.

Please Join the cause and contact us if you would like to support some of our activities.

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